Building Evacuation

The purpose of any evacuation is to empty a building or area of all occupants as quickly and safely as possible.

In cases requiring the evacuation of one building (fire, explosion, bomb threat), occupants should proceed to the designated meeting area.

General Evacuation

When orders are given to evacuate one building or multiple buildings after a major disaster, occupants should proceed to the evacuation meeting area as directed by the Office of Safety and Security.

The Office of Safety and Security and/or other emergency personnel will be available to direct occupants to safe areas.

Evacuation of disabled and injured persons will be given the highest priority. They will be evacuated in the most expeditious and safest means available.

Occupants should gather in the predetermined meeting assembly area and await further instructions.

Do not re-enter the building(s) until instructed to do so by the Office of Safety and Security.

Biddeford Campus Evacuation Plan

If you are atFiscal Affairs/Human Resources
Go toLot between HR/Business Office and Sea Star Market
If you are atAlfond Center for Health Sciences - First Floor Door facing Campus Center
Go toQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
If you are atAlfond Center for Health Sciences - First Floor Exit nearest Hills Beach Rd.
Go toSidewalk on Hills Beach Road at the end of the brick retaining wall
If you are atAlfond Center for Health Sciences - Lower Level Main Entrance (by Alfond Café)
Go toQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
If you are atAlfond Center for Health Sciences - Main Entrance and Embalming Room Entrance
Go toSidewalk in front of Stella Maris
If you are atAlfond Forum
Go toAll exits cross Nor’easter Way to parking lots, do not block access road
If you are atAssisi Hall
Go toQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
If you are atAvila Hall
Go toQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
If you are atBush Center
Go toCompass area between Decary and Stella Maris
If you are atCampus Center - Double Doors outside Fitness Center
Go toGo through parking lot, turn right to lawn by Hills Beach Rd
If you are atCampus Center - Gym Exit by Equipment Room
Go toTurn left, proceed to area between Campus Center and Avila
If you are atCampus Center - Main Entrance
Go toEither sidewalk that runs along Alfond lawn or to Alfond lawn - DO NOT REMAIN ON THE FRONT PLAZA AREA
If you are atCampus Center - Pool Side Doors
Go toThe center of the lawn by Hills Beach Rd
If you are atCampus Center - Simard, Pettipiece and Wescott Rooms
Go toThe sand volleyball court near quad
If you are atChamplain Hall
Go toThe Freddy Hall parking lot, do not impede Emergency Response Vehicles
If you are atDecary Hall - Computer Lab, Lower Level
Go toThe lawn between Decary and Stella Maris
If you are atDecary Hall - Entrance closest to Residence Hall Access Rd.
Go toThe center of the lawn between Hills Beach Rd. and Residence Hall Access Rd.
If you are atDecary Hall - Entrance facing Stella Maris
Go toGo at least halfway onto lawn between Stella Maris and Decary
If you are atDecary Hall - Exits from Kitchen
Go toThe Library or Stella Maris lawn
If you are atDecary Hall - Main Entrance
Go toThe front lawn by the park bench
If you are atEast Hall
Go toExit along rear of building (toward Frederick Hall), assemble in parking area between Frederick Hall and back parking lot of Campus Center
If you are atFacilities Building
Go toThe service road towards LAC Lot
If you are atFeatherman Hall
Go toThe parking area between Avila and Featherman Hall
If you are atFine Arts Building
Go toThe back parking lot
If you are atFrederick Hall
Go toGo to the parking lot to the lawn between Campus Cross parking lot to lawn between Campus Center and Hills Beach Road, in winter, follow sidewalk to front of Campus Center
If you are atGregory Hall
Go toThe parking lot behind Gregory
If you are atKetchum Library - Library Main Entrance
Go toThe lawn between Stella Maris and Decary
If you are atKetchum Library - Windward Café Entrance
Go toThe parking lot and move closer to wastewater treatment plant
If you are atMarcil Hall - First Level
Go toThe parking lot area across from the lower level entrance
If you are atMarcil Hall - Second Level
Go toThe lot across Parking Lot Access Rd., nearest Rt.9
If you are atMarine Science Center
Go toThe entrance to the walkway to Champlain Hall
If you are atMorgane Hall - First Floor
Go toFront parking lot, do not block the front of the building
If you are atMorgane Hall - Second and Third Floors
Go toGregory parking lot
If you are atPadua Hall
Go toAvila service parking lot
If you are atPetts Health Center - Lower Level
Go toCross Hills Beach Road and go to the Alumni Cottage lawn
If you are atPetts Health Center - Upper Level
Go toWalk out to middle of parking lot (at least past the third parking space)
If you are atRipich Commons - Lower Level
Go toMove to the open area behind the “Quad” residence halls
If you are atRipich Commons - Upper Levels
Go toExit through library; go to the lawn between Stella Maris and Decary
If you are atPickus Center
Go toGregory parking lot
If you are atSiena Hall
Go toThe walkway to the library
If you are atSokokis Hall
Go toExit all doors. Go across street to parking lot
If you are atStella Maris Hall
Go toThe lawn in front of Stella Maris or the lawn between Decary and Stella Maris
If you are atStudent Access Center
Go toGo to parking lot, do not block access road
If you are atWelcome Cottage
Go toGo to parking lot
If you are atWest Hall
Go toExit along rear of building (toward quad) and follow sidewalk leading to quad area, assemble on long sidewalk pointing directly at center of quad, behind Avila
If you are atGo to
Fiscal Affairs/Human ResourcesLot between HR/Business Office and Sea Star Market
Alfond Center for Health Sciences - First Floor Door facing Campus CenterQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
Alfond Center for Health Sciences - First Floor Exit nearest Hills Beach Rd.Sidewalk on Hills Beach Road at the end of the brick retaining wall
Alfond Center for Health Sciences - Lower Level Main Entrance (by Alfond Café)Quad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
Alfond Center for Health Sciences - Main Entrance and Embalming Room EntranceSidewalk in front of Stella Maris
Alfond ForumAll exits cross Nor’easter Way to parking lots, do not block access road
Assisi HallQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
Avila HallQuad area near sand volleyball court behind Campus Center
Bush CenterCompass area between Decary and Stella Maris
Campus Center - Double Doors outside Fitness CenterGo through parking lot, turn right to lawn by Hills Beach Rd
Campus Center - Gym Exit by Equipment RoomTurn left, proceed to area between Campus Center and Avila
Campus Center - Main EntranceEither sidewalk that runs along Alfond lawn or to Alfond lawn - DO NOT REMAIN ON THE FRONT PLAZA AREA
Campus Center - Pool Side DoorsThe center of the lawn by Hills Beach Rd
Campus Center - Simard, Pettipiece and Wescott RoomsThe sand volleyball court near quad
Champlain HallThe Freddy Hall parking lot, do not impede Emergency Response Vehicles
Decary Hall - Computer Lab, Lower LevelThe lawn between Decary and Stella Maris
Decary Hall - Entrance closest to Residence Hall Access Rd.The center of the lawn between Hills Beach Rd. and Residence Hall Access Rd.
Decary Hall - Entrance facing Stella MarisGo at least halfway onto lawn between Stella Maris and Decary
Decary Hall - Exits from KitchenThe Library or Stella Maris lawn
Decary Hall - Main EntranceThe front lawn by the park bench
East HallExit along rear of building (toward Frederick Hall), assemble in parking area between Frederick Hall and back parking lot of Campus Center
Facilities BuildingThe service road towards LAC Lot
Featherman HallThe parking area between Avila and Featherman Hall
Fine Arts BuildingThe back parking lot
Frederick HallGo to the parking lot to the lawn between Campus Cross parking lot to lawn between Campus Center and Hills Beach Road, in winter, follow sidewalk to front of Campus Center
Gregory HallThe parking lot behind Gregory
Ketchum Library - Library Main EntranceThe lawn between Stella Maris and Decary
Ketchum Library - Windward Café EntranceThe parking lot and move closer to wastewater treatment plant
Marcil Hall - First LevelThe parking lot area across from the lower level entrance
Marcil Hall - Second LevelThe lot across Parking Lot Access Rd., nearest Rt.9
Marine Science CenterThe entrance to the walkway to Champlain Hall
Morgane Hall - First FloorFront parking lot, do not block the front of the building
Morgane Hall - Second and Third FloorsGregory parking lot
Padua HallAvila service parking lot
Petts Health Center - Lower LevelCross Hills Beach Road and go to the Alumni Cottage lawn
Petts Health Center - Upper LevelWalk out to middle of parking lot (at least past the third parking space)
Ripich Commons - Lower LevelMove to the open area behind the “Quad” residence halls
Ripich Commons - Upper LevelsExit through library; go to the lawn between Stella Maris and Decary
Pickus CenterGregory parking lot
Siena HallThe walkway to the library
Sokokis HallExit all doors. Go across street to parking lot
Stella Maris HallThe lawn in front of Stella Maris or the lawn between Decary and Stella Maris
Student Access CenterGo to parking lot, do not block access road
Welcome CottageGo to parking lot
West HallExit along rear of building (toward quad) and follow sidewalk leading to quad area, assemble on long sidewalk pointing directly at center of quad, behind Avila

Portland Campus for the Health Sciences Evacuation Plan

If you are at1075 Forest Ave
Go toMeet in Rear parking lot
If you are at30 College Street
Go toGo across College Street to lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
If you are atAbplanalp Library
Go toGo to lawn between Hersey Circle and College Street
If you are atAlexander Hall
Go toGo to lawn between Hersey Circle and College Street
If you are atAlumni Hall
Go toGo to Proctor Hall parking lot
If you are atArt Gallery
Go toGo to Proctor Hall parking lot
If you are atBlewett Hall
Go toProceed to the lawn by Ludcke Hall
If you are atColeman Hall
Go toProceed to the lawn by Ludcke Hall
If you are atCollege of Pharmacy
Go toGo to center of the parking lot for Finley Recreation Center
If you are atFinley Recreation Center
Go toGo to the center of the Finley Recreation parking lot
If you are atGoddard Hall
Go toProceed to lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
If you are atHarold and Bibby Alfond Center for Health Sciences (HBACHS) lower level (near Lot #2)
Go toProceed to sidewalk next to Lot #2-HBACHS
If you are atHBACHS lower level (near Lot #2)
Go toProceed to pathway closest to the hill
If you are atHBACHS upper levels
Go toCourtyard between HBACHS and Innovation Hall
If you are atHersey Hall
Go toProceed to lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
If you are atInnovation Hall
Go toMeet in Lot 3 or at the lawn between Innovation Hall and the church
If you are atLinnell Hall
Go toCross College Street and gather on the lawn
If you are atLudcke Auditorium
Go toGo to the lawn between Ludcke and College Street
If you are atMcDougall/Ginn Halls
Go toCross College Street and gather on the lawn in front of Abplanalp Library
If you are atOral Health Center
Go toGo to Lot 3 or Ludcke Lawn
If you are atParker Pavilion
Go toGather on the lawn by Ludcke
If you are atProctor Hall
Go toProceed to the lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
If you are atGo to
1075 Forest AveMeet in Rear parking lot
30 College StreetGo across College Street to lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
Abplanalp LibraryGo to lawn between Hersey Circle and College Street
Alexander HallGo to lawn between Hersey Circle and College Street
Alumni HallGo to Proctor Hall parking lot
Art GalleryGo to Proctor Hall parking lot
Blewett HallProceed to the lawn by Ludcke Hall
Coleman HallProceed to the lawn by Ludcke Hall
College of PharmacyGo to center of the parking lot for Finley Recreation Center
Finley Recreation CenterGo to the center of the Finley Recreation parking lot
Goddard HallProceed to lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
Harold and Bibby Alfond Center for Health Sciences (HBACHS) lower level (near Lot #2)Proceed to sidewalk next to Lot #2-HBACHS
HBACHS lower level (near Lot #2)Proceed to pathway closest to the hill
HBACHS upper levelsCourtyard between HBACHS and Innovation Hall
Hersey HallProceed to lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street
Innovation HallMeet in Lot 3 or at the lawn between Innovation Hall and the church
Linnell HallCross College Street and gather on the lawn
Ludcke AuditoriumGo to the lawn between Ludcke and College Street
McDougall/Ginn HallsCross College Street and gather on the lawn in front of Abplanalp Library
Oral Health CenterGo to Lot 3 or Ludcke Lawn
Parker PavilionGather on the lawn by Ludcke
Proctor HallProceed to the lawn area between Hersey Circle and College Street

Morocco Campus Evacuation Plan

If you are atAny location
Go toGo to the main front gate
If you are atGo to
Any locationGo to the main front gate