Bachelor of Science in Medical Biology

UNE is recognized as Maine’s leading health professions and health sciences University. Learn about our state-of-the-art labs and academic facilities, our supportive community, and the rewarding careers of UNE Medical Biology graduates.

Study Medical Biology at Maine’s Leading University for the Health Professions

With health care projected to be the fastest-growing industry in the economy, UNE’s Medical Sciences track of the Medical Biology major puts you on sure footing for success. As one of only a handful of private universities with a comprehensive health care mission, UNE can provide its Medical Biology undergraduates up-close interaction with graduate health professions students and opportunities to perform research with faculty across health disciplines.

Explore UNE’s Medical Biology Program

Why UNE for Medical Biology – Medical Sciences

  • Study at Maine’s leading health professions and health sciences university
  • UNE is ranked #1 in Maine for graduates getting a job — Zippia
  • Complete important prerequisite courses as a pre-med student
  • Join a welcoming community of people who are passionate about health like you are
  • Work on cutting edge research alongside faculty
  • UNE students are more likely to be interviewed and get accepted to UNE’s most competitive professional programs, including medicine, dental medicine, and PA
  • Access to accelerated 3+4 bachelor’s-to-doctorate pathway with UNE’s dental college

Pathway to Pre-Med Success

UNE’s B.S. in Medical Biology is designed to pave the way for your success as a pre-med student. Whether you plan to pursue medical, dental, veterinary, or physical therapy school, our program helps you fulfill essential prerequisites and gain valuable hands-on experience. We offer our GradVantage program for admission into our medical, dental, physician assistant, and physical therapy programs as well as accelerated pathways to our dental college.

Two students prepare a medical tool for testing lung capacity
Olivia Scott stands smiling at the camera holding her handmade ceramics

Olivia Scott ’20

Biological Sciences, Environmental Science

Experiential Learning

At UNE, you get a lot of different opportunities to do research, work in labs, and gain experience that you need for after you graduate and move on to the real world.

In [Sustainability and Ecological Restoration], we were growing chestnut trees from seeds because we're trying to restore the American chestnut population, which was decimated by a foreign blight. This process was cool because we got to watch over the plants. We started them from seeds and watched them grow. Then we ended up being able to transfer them to the ground outside and continue to care for them. It made me feel like I can make change — like I am part of a much bigger purpose.

Aside from science, I love art. Any free moment that I have, I'm doing pottery. I've been involved with ceramics in the art department since I got to UNE. I love it. Ceramics is my passion. As much as I love science, I may love ceramics even more. This semester, I'm a Teaching Assistant for the throwing class. Throwing is using the pottery wheel.

Ceramics is part of who I am. It’s not what I’m majoring in, but it helps me with school because it helps me relax. People need to have outlets, and ceramics is mine. I can go to the art studio, get into the flow, and lose track of time and worries.


UNE’s size is not too big and not too small. The professors are able to gain a close relationship to students, so as a student, I feel listened to. My questions are answered. In a larger university, you may not have that as much because the class sizes are too large to really be able to connect to the professor or to feel comfortable seeing a professor outside of class and asking questions.

I’d say definitely check UNE out. If you're in love with the sciences, it’s the place to be, and we also have a great art department. If you love the sciences, you like the ocean, and you want to be in a smaller school, I think UNE is the perfect fit.

[The research I participated in] made me feel like I can make change — like I am part of a much bigger purpose.

Biological Sciences, Environmental Science

What Will You Study? Medical Biology Degree Curriculum Overview

There are many ways you can navigate this major.

B.S. in Medical Biology Courses

  • Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology
  • Genetics
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Cancer Biology
  • One Health Approaches to Medicine
  • Animal/Behavioral Ecology
  • Parasitology

We offer an accelerated 3+4 track as a pathway to our dental college. Our GradVantage program is also available for admission to several of our graduate programs.

Academic Advising

Meet Kheilin

A Medical Biology Major Planning to Become a Doctor

She cares deeply about how she impacts others, from her future patients to her friends, family, and community. Kheilin is one of the many UNE students who are gaining the skills and knowledge to make an impact and be of service.

Careers for Medical Biology Majors

Whether your ultimate goal is to become a health provider or enter the workforce in medical research, biotechnology, or another cutting-edge profession, UNE’s Medical Biology–Medical Sciences track prepares you as a knowledgeable scientist, a critical thinker, and a valuable member of any professional team. Our graduates have pursued many different careers, including:

  • Physician
  • Dentist
  • Veterinarian
  • Occupational/Physical Therapist
  • Medical Researcher
  • Clinical Researcher
  • Drug Development Scientist
  • Genetic Counselor
  • Medical Editor
  • Instrument Technician

Career Advising for B.S. in Medical Biology Students

Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, Career Advising is here to help you plan your next step.


healthcare jobs expected to open in U.S. between 2016 and 2026

(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

An Ideal Pre-Med Major

UNE’s B.S. in Medical Biology sets you up for success as a pre-med student. Whether you are interested in going into medical, dental, veterinary, or physical therapy school, our Medical Biology degree program helps you complete important prerequisites and gain relevant hands-on experience. UNE also offers a Medical Biology Pre-Physician Assistant (Pre-PA) track where your curriculum is tailored to meet all academic requirements for admittance into a PA graduate program, including our own.

There are additional pathways available for your medical biology studies at UNE. Keeping with a pre-med track, you can apply for the accelerated 3+4 program with UNE’s dental college.

B.S. in Medical Biology Degree Facilities

In addition to the typical resources found on a college campus, we also offer extensive computer resources, laboratories, and classroom facilities.

Harold Alfond Center

Sitting at the center of campus, facilities within the Harold Alfond Center for the Health Sciences include numerous lecture halls and teaching labs used by all majors within the School of Biological Sciences.

It is also the primary hub for undergraduate research within the School, housing the majority of faculty research labs and our indoor-access greenhouse.

Take a virtual tour of the Alfond Center for the Health Sciences

Peter and Cécile Morgane Hall

Morgane Hall contains the administrative offices of the School of Biological Sciences and most of its faculty. There are two lecture classrooms, two multi-purpose biology labs, and a genetics and microbiology lab.  

The building also houses chemistry and physics labs with models and computer simulators for in-depth study of both biological and physical science concepts.

Take a virtual tour of Biddeford Campus Labs and Learning Spaces

Experiential Learning in the Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Biology Program

We rely heavily on case studies to challenge you to apply scientific concepts to real-world problems. But the classroom is only where hands-on experience begins. In the lab, you’ll engage in research with faculty from across health care fields, colleges, and disciplines. And internships allow you to directly experience different professions in an immersive environment.

Research for Medical Biology Majors

  • Opportunities for undergraduates to participate in cutting-edge research across health care fields
  • Mentorship from faculty at a university categorized as having “High Research Activity” by Carnegie Classification
  • Paid research positions available

Research Opportunities

Internships for Medical Biology Majors

Our students have performed internships at numerous sites, including:

  • Family Eye Care
  • Biddeford-Saco Dental Associates
  • Kennebunkport Emergency Medical Services
  • Oral Surgery Associates
  • Dempsey Center
  • York County Shelter Programs
  • American Cancer Society

For more information email the Academic and Career Advising Center at

Medical Biology Students Provide EMS Care to the UNE Community

Travel Courses for Medical Biology Majors

UNE's travel courses allow you to stay on track with your lab sciences and College of Arts and Sciences core curriculum while gaining enriching international experience.

The below travel courses are taught by Biology faculty.

To enroll in these courses, you must submit an application to the Global Education Program. You can also apply for a Global Education scholarship when applying to these courses.