Selected publications
The Light of the Russian Soul: A Personal Memoir of Early Russian Theosophy,(translation from E. Pisareva), Quest Books, Wheaton, IL, 2008
Force Through Delicacy: The Life and Art of Charles H. Woodbury, Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NH, 1998;
Nikolai Fedorov: An Introduction, Nordland, Belmont, MA, 1979.
Hermotimus’ Voyages (poems), Phineas Press, Hanover NH 1976
“Nikolai Fedorov,” in Edward Craig and others, ed, The Routledge/ Cambridge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Cambridge, England, 1998;
“Fedorov’s Transformations of the Occult,” in Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, ed., The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1997; (Hungarian translation of same in, Az okkult az orosz es a szovjet kulturaban Budapest: Europa Konyvkiado, 2004);
“Toward the New Millennium: Ideas of Resurrection in Fedorov and Solov’ev,” James P. Scanlan, ed., Russian Thought after Communism: the Recovery of a Philosophical Heritage, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, 1994
”Fedorov and Yoga: The Search for a Practical Immortality,” Charles Tandy, ed., Death and Anti-Death, Ria University Press, 2003.
“What will the Immortals Eat?,” Charles Tandy, ed., Death and Anti-Death, II, Ria University Press, 2004.
“Fedorov’s Legacy,” Charles Tandy, ed., Death and Anti-Death, III, Ria University Press, 2006.
“Vladimir Solovyov’s Poems of Wisdom, Mystery, and Love,” in Arthur Versluis, ed, Esotericism, Art, and Imagination, Michigan State University Press, 2008;
“Pro’ektivizm i Pragmatizm: Fedorov I Ouiljam Dzheimz,” (Projectivism and Pragmatism: Fedorov and William James,) Fedorovskie Chteniya X, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009;
“Mezhdunarodnoe znachenie filosofii Fedorova,” (The International Significance of Fedorov’s Philosophy), Fedorovskie Chteniya XI. Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.