Selected publications
Bartholomew, A. & Griffin, N. (2017). Using a Universal Design for Learning checklist to teach secondary transition skills. Manuscript under review in Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.
Bartholomew, A., Papay, C., McConnell, A., & Cease-Cook, J. (2015). Embedding secondary transition in the Common Core State Standards. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(6), 329-335.
Bartholomew, A., Test, D. W., Cooke, N. L., & Cease-Cook, J. J. (2015). Effects of teaching self-determination skills using the Common Core State Standards. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 50, 433-454.
Haber, M. G., Mazzotti, V. L., Mustian, A. L., Rowe, D. A., Bartholomew, A. L., Test, D. W., Fowler, C. H. (2015). What works, when, for whom, and with whom: A meta-analytic review of predictors of postsecondary success for students with disabilities. Review of Educational Research, 86, 123-162.
Test, D. W., Bartholomew, A., Bethune, L. (2015). What high school administrators need to know about secondary transition evidenced-based practices and predictors for students with disabilities. NASSP Bulletin, 99, 254-273.
Bartholomew, A., Papay, C., McConnell, A., & Cease-Cook, J. (2015). Embedding secondary transition in the Common Core State Standards. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(6), 329-335.
Bartholomew, A. (2015). Speaking personally-With Sean Joseph Smith. American Journal of Distance Education, 29, 67-72.
Clark, L. & Bartholomew, A. (2014). Digging beneath the surface: Analyzing the complexity of instructors’ participation in asynchronous discussion. Online Learning: Official Journal of the Online Learning Consortium, 18, 1-22.
Fowler, C. H., Test, D. W., Cease-Cook, J., Toms, O., Bartholomew, A., & Scroggins, L. (2014). Policy implications of high school reform on college and career readiness of youth with disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 25, 19-29.
Test, D. W., Cook-Cease, J., Bartholomew, A., & Scroggins, L. (2014). How do we support life skills and transition instruction. In J. McLeskey, N. Waldron, F. Spooner, & B. Algozzine (Eds.), Handbook of research and practice for effective and inclusive schools. New York, Routledge.
Carter, E., Brock, M., Bottema, K., Bartholomew, A., Boehm, T., & Cease-Cook, J. J. (2013). Methodological trends in secondary education and transition research: Looking backward and moving forward. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 15-24.
Kelley, K. R., Bartholomew, A., & Test, D. W. (2013). Effects of the Self-Directed IEP delivered using computer-assisted instruction on students’ participation in education planning meetings. Remedial and Special Education, 34, 67-77.
Walker, A. R., & Bartholomew, A. L. (2011). Student development: Employment skills. In D. W. Test (Eds.). Proven instructional strategies for transition from school to community. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.
O’Dell, S. M., Vilardo, B. A., Kern, L., Kokina, A., Ash, A. N., Seymour, K. J…Thomas, L. B. (2011). JPBI ten years later: Trends in research studies. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 13, 78-86.